Hello fellow designer(s),
As inProgress asbl, we invite you to a Designers’ WorldCafé on Tuesday 22nd November 2022 at 18h at Gudde Wëllen. Join us for an evening of getting to know new and old objectives of the local association for newcoming designers in, around and/or connected to Luxembourg.
Let’s exchange on the local design scene and potential projects to come (such as a Call for projects for an exhibition within the framework of European Design Festival in 2023).
This afterwork is aimed at all kinds of designers from the local design scene – newcomers as well as established – so we can gather to meet known and new faces around complimentary drinks and snacks, and lots of post it notes.
18h – welcome drinks
18h30 – introduction to inProgress and the WorldCafé concept
18h45 – WorldCafé starts!
20h – conclusion and drinks
We are very much looking forward to seeing you this Tuesday,
The inProgress team
Sign up via the Facebook event page
Or via email at hello@inprogress.lu
PS: feel free to forward this email to fellow designers that may be interested in connecting, collaborating, supporting, exhibiting, …
What is a WorldCafé?
A WorldCafé is a structured conversational process for knowledge sharing in which small groups of people discuss a topic at different tables, in order to form common conclusions and encourage collective action.